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Are the IFTA reports included in the RouteMate ELD subscription completely free after the early bird period?
Yes! One of our amazing benefits is that whenever you sign up and become our user, IFTA reports are provided at no extra cost as part of your RouteMate ELD subscription.
Do the dashcams and GPS devices require separate subscriptions?
Yes, dashcams and GPS devices may require separate subscriptions, depending on the specific features and services offered. Please contact our sales team for more information on subscription options.
Is the installation process of the RouteMate ELD device straightforward?
Yes, the installation of the RouteMate ELD device is very straightforward. You just plug the device into the vehicle’s diagnostic port and connect it to your smartphone or tablet via Bluetooth.
Is RouteMate ELD user-friendly for truckers who may not be tech-savvy?
Absolutely! RouteMate ELD is designed with user-friendliness in mind. The interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, making it accessible to everybody.
Is RouteMate ELD compatible with my Freightliner 2015?
Of course! RouteMate ELD is compatible with all vehicle types.
How long does it take to set up the ELD device before I can start driving?
The setup process for our ELD device is designed to be user-friendly, and most drivers find it straightforward to install themselves, typically taking just 10 minutes to get ready for the road.
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