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The story behind RouteMate


How RouteMate was created

At RouteMate, we understand the challenges faced by those in the trucking industry. That’s because we have spent the last 15 years working in this field, experiencing the highs and lows of the business. Over the years, we’ve tried out various ELD providers, looking for a solution that would meet all our needs.

We wanted a solution that was driver-friendly, easy to use, and practical while still providing all the important functionalities to stay compliant and simplify fleet management. After trying out multiple providers, we realized that none of them offered the complete package that we were looking for. So, we decided to create our own solution. And that’s how RouteMate was born.

We've felt the struggles of trucking too,
so we created a game-changing ELD.


We strive to empower and support
drivers and trucking businesses
across the US

Our mission

We aim to simplify truckers' lives and elevate fleet management through innovative solutions. Our mission and final goal is to provide user-friendly tools while ensuring compliance and efficiency.

Our vision

Our vision is to become leaders in innovation and set new standards. We aspire to be the go-to partner for trucking companies of all sizes, offering solutions that streamline operations and enhance profitability.

Our purpose

At RouteMate, we want to empower truckers and transform the industry. We're dedicated to offering reliable support and innovative technology to help trucking businesses succeed.

Our values

Efficiency, safety, affordability, integrity, and continuous improvement are the cornerstones of RouteMate's commitment to excellence in the trucking industry.

Want to be a part of our journey?

Let's shape the future of the trucking industry!


Customer Reviews & Feedback

Been trucking for years, and RouteMate ELD has been a game-changer for me.
It's super easy to use, and those electronic DVIRs are lifesavers!

Jackson WhiteTrucker

I switched to RouteMate ELD, and for this short time period I can only say that results speak for themselves. Safety score's never been better, and our drivers? More accountable than ever. Plus, the free subscription saved us a ton. So, I highly recommend it to any fleet or safety manager out there.

Tony Ignazio MartinezSafety Manager

I started using RouteMate ELD because it sounded so easy. Got a 6-month free trial, which was sweet. Now, my fleet's growing steady. Definitely worth checking out!

Steven SedgwickOwner operator